Sunday, September 29, 2019

Out of the total cultivated area in the country how much area is irrigated even today


what is the standard unit of measuring land

Activa which is equal in area to a square 100 metres × 100 metres

What is the aim of production

 Production is to produce the goods and service that we want

How many families are there in the Palampur village

450 families

How do the small farmers arrange their capital

They borrow money either from large farmers for from village money lenders for from traders who supply various input for cultivation but in all cases the interest rate is very high

Who are the the farm labourers

Villages who come header from landless family or families cultivating small plots of land are called from labourers unlike farmers they have no right cover the crops they only get wages

Which types of transport are visible in the Palampur to Raniganj Road

  1. Bullock carts
  2.  tangas 
  3. Bogeys or  wooden cards drawn by buffelo 
  4. motor vehicles like motorcycle jeeps tractors and trucks

What type of health facilities are available in the Palampur village

 The health facilities are available at the Primary Health Centre run by the government and also at one private dispensary

Harvest kishora supplement his income

Kishor took a loan from the bank under the the government program about a buffalo and started selling milk he has also begin using buffalo in a wooden card and transporting things to the market

How does mishrilal make his earning

 He has bought a sugarcane crushing machine buy sugarcane from other farmers process it into jaggery and then sell it in the market

How many people of Palampur are engaged in non farming activities

 Only 25%

what is working capital

 raw material and money from the part of working capital because unlike tools building and machines they are used up in production

What is fixed capital

 Tools machines and buildings are called fixed capital because they can be used in production over years

mention of harmful effect of Green Revolution

 due to use of  too much fertilizers the fertility of soil is reduced.

What is the main feature of Green Revolution

 bumper production of wheat and rice

Who are medium and large farmers

 These farmers have more than 2 hectares of land they hire ferm Labourers to work in their fields.

Name any three non farming activities

  1. Small manufacturing activities.
  2. Shop keeping.
  3. Transport

Mention the major crops of kharif season

Major crops of kharif seasons are rice millets maize groundnuts jute cotton etc

Mention the major crops of Rabi season

 Major crops of Rabi seasons are wheat grain Barley oil seeds etc

Mention the period of Rabi and kharif season

 June to October is the period of kharif season while November to April is Ravi season

Name the agricultural season of India

 The agricultural season are Rabi and kharif

What are the chief activities carried out in Palampur village

 Farming main activity a small scale manufacturing diary transport etc

What is meant by HYV

It means high yielding variety of seeds

What is multiple cropping

 To grow more than one crop on a piece of land during the year is known as multiple cropping

Who are the small farmers

 This farmers have less than 2 hectares of land they along with their family members cultivate their own fields

Distinguish between fixed capital and working capital

 Fixed capital is depreciated but working capital is used up in production

Name the state which were the first to try out the modern farming method in India

First of all India the three state Punjab Haryana and western up started modern farming

Mention the various resources required for production activities

 Natural resources man-made atoms human affairs money etc are the various resources which are needed for production activities

What are reason to grow multiple crops in a year in Palampur

 Due to well developed irrigation system the farmer of Palampur where able to grow multiple crops

How many crops farmers of Palampur grow in a year

 Four crops

what percentage of people depend on cultivation in Palampur


How many educational institutions are there in

There are two primary school and one high school in Palampur

Name the nearest town to Palampur


What types of resources are required for production activity

Natural resources man-made atoms human effort money etc